Understanding the Assistive AI Mental Wellness Insight Platform
How It Works
Our intelligent platform offers tools for managing the wealth of a user’s social media data so that they can gather insights into their own state of mental wellness. A personalized experience is provided to allow secure self-assessment and review such that individuals can avail themselves of resources for self-help.
Our cloud-based Mental Wellness Insight Platform applies sophisticated artificial intelligence to provide these insights to an individual whether it is via self-assessment or through display of their own social media history. The self-aware insights can lead to informed access to health care resources, yielding a balanced, centered, and contented life.
For online healthcare organizations using our tools, we provide an easy-to-use management portal that uses neuro-linguistic and machine learning technology in delivering rapid navigation of big data to health providers.
All of this functionality is delivered in a secure, HIPPA-compliant environment and adheres to the social media usage policies of the respective social media platforms that are accessed on behalf of consenting users.
Our products enable PredictView partners’ members to learn more about their own behavior. If they choose, members may perform self-assessments to gauge their mental wellbeing with an option to reach out for helpful health resources. Our Social Wellness Check application allows the user to rapidly review their social media on an ongoing basis and seek out support resources to address a particular need, whether those resources are informational, online therapy, or a telehealth provider.
PredictView’s Assistive AI Wellness Insight Applications
Mental Wellness Check App
Our baseline self-assessment application provides individuals with safe and private insights into their mental wellness.
Topics for self-assessment include mood, anxiety, sleep, and mood of their child.
Social Wellness Check App*
For individuals wishing to manage their personal media, the AI Mental Wellness Insight Platform aggregates their social media information. It also offers self-help resources that are most relevant at the time of analysis, which may include online connection with a partner health provider.
*complies with usage and privacy requirements of the respective social media platform accessed on behalf of the user.
Mental Wellness Web Portal
For the online health provider, the Mental Wellness Web Portal offers an easy, powerful means to aggregate their patient information in a manageable service. Patients’ shared information, whether assessments, questionnaires, or social media sharing are all aggregated in an easy-to-use dashboard that matches the work style of the provider.
This allows the therapist to rapidly prepare for each patient session with a more complete understanding of the patient’s wellbeing. It also provides insights as to the state-of-mind between sessions.
Example of Therapist Web Portal Dashboard displaying patient posts over time.